Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Getting Started VI
Progress on packing and sorting is going slow: can anyone tell I don't like it? At least I managed to sell the washing machine, which eases money worries a little. Only about half my library got moved into storage, but I really do expect (and need!) to get the rest done today. Then, it's to sorting the various papers I have been lugging around for years.
I found another of my old journals, and while thumbing through it, found that I had been considering a trip something like this as early as 1984; 20 years ago. I relied more heavily on other's opinions then and was advised out of it.
With all the self-help books and articles there are around, I haven't found many on the art of starting and continuing conversations with strangers. Perhaps I'm not using the right search terms? But it's going to be critical for me to do so, a lot more than I have been comfortable with or accustomed to.
I'm not the first to notice that in our busy and disconnected society, we often know people across town better than we do our next door neighbors. I while ago I noticed an article by an American Indian that criticized our society for this very thing. I have some ideas on the whys, but if I'm doing research, I need to know what other people think.
I found another of my old journals, and while thumbing through it, found that I had been considering a trip something like this as early as 1984; 20 years ago. I relied more heavily on other's opinions then and was advised out of it.
With all the self-help books and articles there are around, I haven't found many on the art of starting and continuing conversations with strangers. Perhaps I'm not using the right search terms? But it's going to be critical for me to do so, a lot more than I have been comfortable with or accustomed to.
I'm not the first to notice that in our busy and disconnected society, we often know people across town better than we do our next door neighbors. I while ago I noticed an article by an American Indian that criticized our society for this very thing. I have some ideas on the whys, but if I'm doing research, I need to know what other people think.